12th October... or possibly 13th

Our little dorm, where we have spent the majority of the last couple of days fighting this re-occurring jet lag. Oof it doesn't half bite you back if you succumb to that one cheeky day time nap on day one! Massive error!
After a frustrating evening last night fighting with Yorkshire bank's incapability to transfer money to a foreign account, today we are having a relaxing day at Brisbane lagoon. We have our first bag of Goon for this evening (a cheap box of Australian wine), and Hannah has her bottle of vodka. So tonight will be our first drinking sesh.
Watch out Brisbane!
Our little dorm, where we have spent the majority of the last couple of days fighting this re-occurring jet lag. Oof it doesn't half bite you back if you succumb to that one cheeky day time nap on day one! Massive error!
We find our selves in some kind of early evening coma, and wide awake in the middle of the night having to keep ourselves silent so not to wake the others. I woke up to find a
certain ( anonymous) lady scouting the floor for her water bottle at about 3 a.m, trying so hard not to wake anyone in the process. Then she let out an almighty trump which made us and HERSELF jump, and she scrambled into the corner of the room trying to contain her giggles. Quality moment.
certain ( anonymous) lady scouting the floor for her water bottle at about 3 a.m, trying so hard not to wake anyone in the process. Then she let out an almighty trump which made us and HERSELF jump, and she scrambled into the corner of the room trying to contain her giggles. Quality moment.
This morning me, Ray, and Hannah are awake waiting for Laura and Clare to WAKE UP. Why is it always the silent moments when giggles are more appealing. Hannah crunching on a raw carrot is breaking the silence in quite a comical way, especially as she laughs after every crunch! Water, carrots, cereal, pasta and rice noodles is our diet for this week. With a bit of pasta sauce and soy sauce thrown in when necessary! (...and crisps vodka and wine).
Watch out Brisbane!
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