Days of the week and month mean nothing at the moment, there's no single day where im familar with the day of the week. So far from home in every sense of the word, but so comfortable and happy in our new country life in Pappinbarra.

Free food, and free accomodation in exchange for about 3 hours work a day, and also the odd paid job. Out in the bush, our daily routine is as follows: get up at 7, feed the horses Barney and Belle, do a couple of hours house keeping, lunch around 11, then we are free to do as we wish until its time to cook dinner. We usually end the day with a film or a couple of hours reading. I bought the first Twilight book 4 days ago and finished it last night. Everything is so flexible here, 5 hours work one day means a day off the next. A full day to read, explore the local town or play with the dogs and sit in the sunshine (when the heat is bareable). I am so unbeleiveably grateful of how lovely our 'boss' is, I use the term boss but he is more 'owner of the house' and friend. Scott helped build this impressive house the last 10 years, a grand wooden design with more windows than wall built within 900 acres of land. He needs a hand getting it back to the palace it once was, and theres nothing more satifying than doing a good job for a good man.
Taz |
Susie |
The dogs need their own paragraph. Susie the mother, a shiny coated Rhodesian Ridgeback, a true lady. Willie, her checky pup with paws he is still growing in to. And Taz, loyal little Taz: no relation to the other two but the origional dog. She comes running to save you at one clap of your hands (those bulls can get pretty scary).
Willie |
Me, Ray and Hannah are working well together, and I'm learning more about cooking than I did during my 3 years uni. Tonight me and Hannah watched the Green Mile, whilst Ray got an early night, and Scott visited a neighbour. Its quite scary being alone in a house at night in the middle of nowhere surrounded by massive windows revealing darkness. The kookaburras sound like they are cackling, my imagination needs no encouraging. No doubt it is safer than any house in the city, especially with a river to get through, an electric fence and 3 dogs guarding the place.
Scott is planning a treat outing for us, perhaps lunch and a visit to the koala sanctuary. We are also invited to a local party, bowling with the neigbours, and our own Christmas before the real thing. This is one of those day-to-day things you get on with, without thinking much about anything excepct the task at hand, then on reflection, it becomes apparent just how lucky we are to have found this little gem of a job.
Me and Ray got stuck in a storm! |
Hannah and Donald/Daisy |
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